Running late for school and office again!!!! What to do now? The easiest option is to skip breakfast—AGAIN. Anyways what does it matter? However organized you might be, still early morning is a rush hour for every household. So who has time to fit breakfast into all that mayhem? The most neglected but the most important meal of the day is the breakfast. Breakfast is necessary to start your day and is important not only for children but for adults too.
- At breakfast time, it is hours since you had something to eat and you are starting the most active part of your day. The term breakfast denotes—breaking the fast, i.e. the fast after sleep. Overnight your body has gone 8-10 hours without food and this is a long time for your body to go without fuel. It is really surprising when you do not expect your car to run without petrol but you expect your body to run in peak condition when it has been without fuel for the last 10 hours
- Since you are running on low fuel, you have more chances of grabbing a coffee or a sugary candy bar to keep you going or may end up eating a large lunch.
- There is a positive relationship between eating breakfast, learning ability, attention span, and general well being and you tend to concentrate better after a healthy breakfast.
- Skipping breakfast is a common strategy to lose weight but not a healthy one as after so many hours of fasting your body metabolism might slow down and you might end up putting on more weight.
- Unless you have a very physically demanding job or play a lot of sports, a simple milk-cereal-toast and fruit breakfast are quite sufficient and nutritious for you. The contemporary breakfast should be quick and easy to prepare and eat.
- Even if you are working and do not have time for breakfast, just snatch a piece of fruit or a tub of fruit yoghurt or carry a sandwich to eat on the way to work.
So start having your breakfast today and have a healthy kick start to the day.