Today’s post will be dedicated to the shoulder. We use our hands to physically interact with the world and need our shoulders to take our hands where they want to go.Shoulders are the hand chauffers and they’re driving our hands and their heavy friends (bags, children, objects etc.) all over the place throughout the day.
Now,for the shoulder to be so incredibly mobile, it must sacrifice its structural stability. The arm sitting in the shallow shoulder socket is like a golf ball sitting in a tee; it’s easy for it wobble around in place. Luckily there are small muscles called the rotator cuff, which constantly act to pull the arm into its socket and keep it stable. When there is a dysfunction of these muscles, the golf ball in the shoulder doesn’t glide smoothly in its tee and can lead to a variety of painful conditions, leaving the hand without an efficient chauffer and you with functional limitations.
With specific, focused exercises, physiotherapy can help improve the performance of rotator cuff and other shoulder stabilizer muscles so that optimal shoulder mechanics can be achieved.
Shoulder extension: holding a theraband, start with the arm relaxed and shoulder in a neutral position, bring the arm backward, pulling the theraband past the leg, pausing for 2 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.